Friday, August 20, 2010

Jon Stewart's Bold Take

I thought this fair-minded, bipartisan approach to the Ground Zero "mosque" issue was exactly what both sides need.

[click the image to see the clip]


Walt Spader said...

I was on vacation since Saturday and came home to a queque of Daily Shows and Colbert Reports. I watched this episode last night and had the same thought -- this clip was so well done, it should be posted!

Anonymous said...

I find the concern over the location of a Mosque in Downtown NYC quite illogical - especially from people who have consistently advocated intense support for "Operation Iraqi Freedom" and the global exportation of American Democratic Values - of which "Freedom of Religion" is a founding principle.

Please see this link for perhaps a more chilling example of encroaching Christian zealotry...punishing our bravest and most admired servicemen/servicewomen for expressing their own religious choices?

We all need to pay attention. Regardless of Party affiliation.

NH Parent said...

Yes, we all need to read from a variety of sources, test our assumptions, learn something new everyday, keep an open mind, and find ways to facilitate the best social change.