Friday, September 17, 2010

Timothy Noah's Wonderful Series

If you haven't been following it, Timothy Noah's recent and on-going series on Income Inequality in the United States is simply wonderful and likewise depressing.

I highly recommend it to everyone.

Monday, September 6, 2010

The President's Labor Day Speech

North Haven Posts Schools Chief Job

The New Haven Register is reporting that the job posting for Superintendent has been made public and that the deadline for submission of resume and materials is October 8th. Whoever will follow Ms. Querfeld has some really big, compassionate, qualified shoes to fill.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Celebrating American Labor

I do not understand why or how the White House is not doing a better job of getting this message across.

Labor Being CHEATED This Labor Day

Can someone please tell me how current fiscal policy is working for the vast majority of working Americans, or how extending massive unpaid-for tax cuts for the wealthiest 2% stands to do any good for the rest of us?

Have we not earned a share of the prosperity?

This Labor Day . . .

This Labor Day . . .