Friday, May 1, 2009

CT Gay Marriage Codified

Connecticut finalizes and codifies gay marriage by healthy margins.  I will argue that this is a healthy and appropriate turn of events.  Gladly, compassion and justice have won out.

Irony of Ironies?

This is a survey America will have to contend with.  How is it that certain religious factions are more accepting of torture than others, and especially more than the relatively non-religious?

Qualified Hopefulness?

Nobody wants to be unrealistically hopeful, but any good news is welcome.  Perhaps, just perhaps, as unpopular as the TARP and its implementation have been . . . perhaps it is working.

Banks aren't lending enough, people are still hurting, and Elizabeth Warren has been warning about waste and corruption, but maybe . . . maybe we've been well shepherded after all.


Aches and Pains

As a non-baby-boomer who deals with this, I find this troubling and have to wonder what environmental factors might play a part in this seeming epidemic of Arthritis.