Forgive the source here, but if this, in fact, stands up to scrutiny, this will prove fascinating.
If, in fact, rank and file NRA members disagree with their leadership, that is fascinating. If, in fact, a majority of NRA members believe that individuals on the Terror Watch List should NOT be able to buy guns, I have found an easy point of agreement with them.
As you can tell, I am no gun-lover and would not have one in my home with my children now or when they're grown and out. I'm sure that many people believe my fear is out of proportion. I welcome the debate.
I don't know if I'd debate you on this one. It's your right to have a firearm or not in your home or on your person. The problem arises when others start to tell others that they can't have a firearm in their home or on their person.
Banning suspected terrorists that are on the no-fly list from having a firearm sounds like a good idea but there is a problem with this.
Your right to bear arms is protected by the constitution your right to be a passenger on a plane is not.
Also, just because you're on the terrorist no-fly list does not mean you're an actual terrorist. I had worked with a few people that found themselves on the no-fly list accidently because they sheared a common name and country of origin with a suspected terrorist.
The 9/11 hijackers did not have firearms. They used box cutters. This recent event in Times Square, he didn't use a firearm either. Even our own home grown terrorists like McVeigh didn't use a firearm to commit his act of terrorist even though he had an arsenal.
I don't know that banning terrorists from having firearms would really accomplish.
The term "no fly list" is misleading. We are talking about a more comprehensive list than merely that.
Yes, people are incorrectly cited on the no-fly list. That's a problem.
Yes, many terrorists domestically have used weapons other than firearms. But again, this about more than just planes.
Terrorists, convicted criminals, and people of questionable mental stability should be restrained from buying guns . . . and explosives. I am not a second amendment purist, and I believe it should be a right reserved for the majority of Americans with clean records . . . and law enforcement.
after reading your link to the comprehensive list, I can agree with you.
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