Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Gun Permit Applications Shoot Way Up

Maybe I am missing something.  I know that it is a right protected by the Constitution from a certain point of view, but why would law abiding citizens of North Haven need to carry guns?  I know they can.  Tell me why they should.

Every extra gun increases the likelihood of innocent victims.  They also vastly increase the likelihood of suicide, homicide, and the violent escalation of domestic problems.

Budget Passage

Okay, here it is.

I am asking that you vote to pass the budget coming up next month on referendum.

Here's why: it is my understanding that the next item on the educational chopping block is all-day kindergarten.  I have a pre-school age child.  I need to be able to send my child to school next year, all day.  Early childhood education is critical both to brain and social development.  It's also necessary to the schedules and professional needs of many parents.

Vote "yes" to save full day kindergarten.  That's the crux of where I stand.  Yes, it is selfish, but it is also practical on behalf of the town.  Where will these children be in their skills and abilities if they are robbed of fully HALF of their instructional time at this crucial age?

My Deepest Condolences

There is nothing that can be said except that this is a horror and that my prayers and heart go out to the family and friends who are more than stricken by this crime.

As the Budget Turns . . .

As you already know, we are in the interregnum that occurs between the finalizes of the budget by the Board of Finance and the referendum.

Please take the time to inform your decision before you report to the polls.

Unknown Achievements in the 1st 100

Some of these are a bit controversial.  I am guessing that the digital medical records, though likely inevitable, is the one most likely to stir up concern and conjecture.  If it's easier to share good information, it will be easier to make and copy mistakes, breach privacy, and expose people to possible discrimination on the basis of their private health concerns.

One more hurdle for the 21st Century.

On other notes:
Most of the other provisions would seem to be positive and relatively non-partisan.  Helping roads, schools, cities, and general government transparency are necessarily good ideas and long overdue.

Unless, of course, you feel differently, venerable early subscriber to my new blog.

Swine Flu Reaches CT

Well, I suppose it's here.  Let's all wash our hands, cover our mouths, dispose of our own germy trash, and stay home from school and work should we find ourselves infected.

New North Haven Author

"North Haven resident Susan Fowler, adjunct philosophy professor at Quinnipiac University, has written a new book to make leadership contagious -- 'Leading with Spirit: Transforming Leadership for Social Change.'"

Not only should we applaud her success, we should embrace the tenor of her work, designed as it is to help us improve our institutions and societal expectations.

Bravo!  Now get out there and buy a copy.

Tortured Discussion

Jon Stewart just engaged in what was apparently a long and fascinating interview with Cliff May about America's use of torture.  The Daily Show was only able to air 6 minutes of it, but the entire thing is going to be on Comedy Central's website.  It is definitely something I will catch when it becomes available.