And then there were two!
The Dems Choose Blumenthal
The GOP Chooses McMahon
Mind you, Simmons insists that he's not out of it and that he will move forward with the primary process, but he's already lost a lot of momentum. It will be interesting to see how this play out, but I don't hold out a lot of hope for the more reasonable and un-glamorous candidate on the conservative side.
I think Blumenthal has this, even though he has had a very bad week. Although I would love to have a woman senator from Connecticut, I will not vote for any woman to fill that spot. This particular woman has had a lurid career in a part of our culture that does not improve the general discourse or its civility. I will be voting for Mr. Blumenthal, I believe, as of this moment, because even though he seems to have been somewhat disingenuous about his military service, he is a proven defender of the people in terms of environmental issues and consumer protection.
I think it's a bad move for the GOP. I'm an independent, and while I'm definitely leaning Blumenthal, I would have considered voting for Simmons, but the nomination of Linda seals the deal for me.
It's disappointing that the GOP chose to reward Linda for her dirty campaigning with the Blumenthal "gotcha" video. Really, I think they were rewarding her monetary advantage as she's just the latest uber-rich person trying to buy a seat in government.
There's nothing I see appealing about the Linda candidacy, other than her gender (and hey- I'm a guy under 30 with a beard, we don't have many of those in government either, but it doesn't mean I'm voting for the first one to come up).
I have no problem with her company's product, because entertainment is what it is. I do have a problem with the way she ran her company including treating the wrestlers as "independent contractors" instead of employees so the WWE could skimp on health benefits, the long list of wrestlers who have died prematurely under their watch, and the fact that she is able to use her company to portray her in a better light during the campaign (for example, removing 3 negative WWE videos out of several thousand available on YouTube).
I think Linda's nomination largely means that Blumenthal will win, barring anything crazy happening between now and November. But I also think that Linda's campaign will be very ugly, and it's the kind of thing that makes me glad that I don't watch a lot of local TV so I'll be able to miss all the commercials.
I have to agree. I don't think that business experience or, worse, entertainment experience promise future political success. Legal experience and prior legislative experience would seem to be best.
Look at Fiorina and her statement that McCain could not run a company in the 08 campaign. Look at Meg Whitman too - didn't vote for decades and now wants others to vote for her.
Our elections should be about more than money and charisma. Linda has plenty of that.
They should be about honor and distinction. Sadly, Mr. Blumenthal has some work to do to re-coup what he's lost this past week.
Let's elect/hire the person who will best serve the state's needs.
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