The following is a letter that I wrote recently to over their new commercial ad-buy:
See, we citizens of Connecticut recognize that it was unchecked, unremitting, unbalanced "pro-business" government that got us to the sticky place we are in currently.
We are tired of scare tactics and top-down solutions. For all your lobbying and tax cuts of the last decade, the average worker hasn't profited much. But businesses and business owners have made a heap.
So you and your folks broke the system and laid people off, and then you tell us that we need YOU as the fix . . . ?! Please.
Your "scaaary" ad and its jobs figures won't make a dent. We know who the culprits are: the private and public companies with selfish tunnel-vision, their lobbyists, and the politicians who ask how high when told to jump.
You need to recognize that the times have changed. The same old tactics won't work. Have some healthy shame and decency. Save your money. Stop running this sorry excuse for an ad and use the money to hire somebody or a bunch of somebodies.
All your commercial is going to do is draw attention to which side you are on . . . the wrong side.